Mutate IO, or Mutatio, is a multiplayer version of You control the blob creature that can be fed, grown, modified, and used to attack others.
This was a game I made for Pygame Community New Years Jam (theme: Mutation). I wanted to experiment with new game development habits and learn more about networking. Less global state
The only server currently available is my own:, and I will most likely keep it up for at least a month after the release. Maximum simultaneous clients permitted is 10.
For more information on client and server stuff, please refer to the README.
Discord ID: #9563
Versions: Version 1.0.1 was published before the close of the jamversion 1.0.2 included some minor bugs fixes to the file related to sudden client disconnectedions. "Slim" versions are compiled version where I tried to remove any DLLs, folders, and other files I do not believe you require to run the program. You are responsible for your download.

Reviewed by: boobs inflation games
Posted in Best Games of January 2022 | Tagged | Comments Off on Mutate IO

The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow

Thomasina Bateman, an antiquarian is currently writing a book about the barrows in England. It will document the treasures that she discovers inside. An intriguing letter prompts her to visit the tiny village of Bewlay in remote rural England. She sets out by trainalong with her assistant the next day.
The mysterious man that summoned her to her rescue is not there upon her arrival. Her assistant never arrives. The stubborn landowner denies access to the barrow. Locals fear this woman, who travels alone. wears trousers.
Hob's Barrow excavation is off to an uneven starting point. Thomasina begins to have strange dreams...
Dark, intricate, and ever-evolving storyline that incorporates elements of real English folklore. The Machine's original music is accompanied by evocative, pixel-art graphics and captivating animations. The Demon. The Demon is one half of the team behind "Football Game," which won the Grammy for Best Soundtrack.

Reviewed by: bulma h game
Posted in Best Games of September 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow

Crazy Sean

For movement, w,s.a,d

Reviewed by: lois griffin porn comics
Posted in Best Games of January 2022 | Tagged | Comments Off on Crazy Sean

Gacha Club By Lunime

Please note: Studio and Home settings are not available within this demo.
Which club would you like to join? Start the fun by creating your anime-styled characters. Dress them in your favourite fashion looks! You can choose from thousands of dresses and shirts. Once you have created your characters, go into the Studio to create whatever scene you want! You can add pets and objects to your background. You can customize your background at no cost!
You can customize 10 characters main and 90 additional characters.
You can change the color of almost everything!
You can choose from over 600 poses
You can adjust your hair, eyes and other items to suit your personality!
You can customize thousands of animals and other objects.
Create custom profiles to represent all of your characters
You can import and export the names of your friends!
You can add up to 10 characters wherever you'd like!
You can also add your favourite pets or objects to this scene!
You have many options for backgrounds and foregrounds to choose from!
You can make your characters speak to one another with customized text boxes and pets!
To tell stories, add a Narrator!
It is possible to save and load up to fifteen scenes
Face presets can be used to instantly change the appearance of your face.
Thank you for playing Gacha Club!

Reviewed by: fire emblem porn videos
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Mutate IO, or Mutatio, is a multiplayer version of You control the blob creature that can be fed, grown, modified, and used to attack others.
This was a game I made for Pygame Community New Years Jam (theme: Mutation). I wanted to experiment with new game development habits and learn more about networking. Less global state
The only server currently available is my own:, and I will most likely keep it up for at least a month after the release. Maximum simultaneous clients permitted is 10.
For more information on client and server stuff, please refer to the README.
Discord ID: #9563
Versions: Version 1.0.1 was published before the close of the jamversion 1.0.2 included some minor bugs fixes to the file related to sudden client disconnectedions. "Slim" versions are compiled version where I tried to remove any DLLs, folders, and other files I do not believe you require to run the program. You are responsible for your download.

Reviewed by: porn game piss
Posted in Best Games of January 2022 | Tagged | Comments Off on Mutate IO


Sci-Fi and cosmic horror are only two possible ways to discuss Dolmen. This is an action-packed third person game that combines RPG elements with lovecraftian plotting. It challenges players to uncover the deepest secrets of the universe.
Revion Prime, a forgotten planetwill host the action. It won't all be easy. Adaptation, exploration and creativity will be your primary weapons when you create new equipment and items from the carcasses of your enemy. Each step could be the last!
Your experience points can be used to help you face challenges that no one has faced before. David Hume said, "The life and work of man are of equal importance in the universe as that of oysters."
Who are the people left in this situation? You'll need to be flexible if the unexpected comes up.
Intense Melee Combat
You can have fun with a variety of melee weapons, moves and techniques! As you attempt to escape the enemy and damage them, attack, block, dodge.
Smart Ranged Combat
To cause enemies different debuffs, use ranged weapons' elemental shots! Each combination has a specific answer, which makes the battles challenging and innovative.
Energy Management
You will need energy to activate your ranged weaponry. This is not the only way to use Energy. Your melee weapon can be enhanced by activating Energy Mode. You can also use Energy to quickly recover the majority of your HP. However, Energy does not automatically regenerate so be careful!
Challenging Enemies
The cosmos doesn't want you to survive. Many creatures along your path will attempt to stop you from continuing your own journey.
Gruesome Bosses
Is the human race worthy to exist? Many alpha predators won't agree!
Every environment can give you a sense of separation from Earth. This means there are many new perspectives available.
The way is complicated by fungi, corpses, and amorphous stalagites. Revion Prime hosts many types of vegetal life.
Each level offers different approaches to understanding the area: The plants, fog and terrain are constantly changing. You can make a whole new world your own. You'll never feel the same way again...
As you fight to live, learn the language of every Universe!
It could be described as an inquiry that focuses on the future and past of an alien planet through the eyes of humans. His original mission was quite different, but he was brought into a new reality with little resources and no preparation for what was to come in the near future.
Find and connect the missing alphabets of the galaxy to uncover the truth!
This unforgiving planet, Revion Prime is the final maze that leads to the Dolmen.
You can create equipment (weapons, armor, and other tools) to upgrade your alien society.
This is your chance to explore this planet and harvest materials from the dead, in order to create survivor gear.
You can either search for it or create your answer!
You can level up your character's attributes by using XP gained through defeating strange life forms.
Your character can be upgraded to fit your play style.

Reviewed by: bulma comic hentai
Posted in Best Games of May 2022 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Dolmen

No Place for Bravery

No Place for Bravery, a 2D action RPG that takes place from top to bottom, is rich in visuals and music. It tells a story of personal reflection and moral dilemmas. Your choices.
This game is all about parries and quick-paced combat. You'll be punished for making mistakes and will feel a sense of vulnerability while you face the risks of Bravery's World.
Thorn is a former warrior who has nightmares and stumbles upon a chance for redemption when he discovers cluesthat lead to the disappearance of his daughterfrom years ago. Phid is Thorn's foster disabled son. It will be up the player to determine how far Thorn will go to save his daughter and fulfill his dreams.
Bravery is a powerful story about the importance of parents and how they can influence the lives of children in troubled times. The developers have personal experiences that inform this message. This game seeks to convey these genuine, real feelings of empathy with depth and competence.
Thorn can be a skilled warrior even in a world that is filled with people just like him. Thorn can be controlled by you and will survive. However, your defeats are likely to show Thorn's vulnerability.
This decrepit, low-fantasy setting is infused with pixel art and hand-painted textures. Thorn navigates through the world, revealing a captivating mix of pixel art that's extremely detailed, pixel art, greatpixel art, beautiful hand painted textures, and incredibly vivid fantasy settings. No Place for Bravery is a place that pulses with intense, immersive atmosphere you will feel through your veins every second.

Reviewed by: android 18 porn comic
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You can become the Terrorbane the great hero of the Developer's relentless pursuit to create the ultimate video game. You will embark on a jRPG-inspired adventure that is full of gaming icons and you'll be hunting down bugsin order to become The Bane of Errors.
Although presented in a 16bit-era jRPG-style graphical adventure, tERRORbane tells the tale of a videogame developer who is eager to test the Playeras his unfortunate subject.
You will not find any bugs in this game.
Wondering what you can expect from this fourth-wall-breaking meta-commenting legend-referencing bug-finding piece of art?
You'll find the following in tERRORbane:
JRPG-inspired gameplay featuring majestic lands, mighty foes
Snappy dialogue and quirky characters
There are more videogame-related references than you can handle
Friendly, but a little cocky developer
Modern take on traditional mechanics
There are no bugs
Different lands, which don't belong in any particular genre (Fantasy?) Post-apo? (We don't know!)
Okay, we might have a few bugs, but it's your job to help us find them.

Reviewed by: minecraft sex games
Posted in Best Games of April 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on tERRORbane

Elden Ring

The Golden Order was broken.

Be risen Tarnished and guided by grace, to brandish power and become Elden Lords in the Lands Between

The Elden Ring is the main source of the Erdtree in the Lands Between, ruled over by Queen Marika Eternal.

Marika's children, all demigods have claimed the Elden Ring shards known as the Great Runes. The mad taint from their newly found strength set off a war called the Shattering. The Greater Will was forced to abandon the war.

Now grace's guidance will be given to Tarnished, exiled from Lands Between for being disobedient by the graces of gold. Your grace has long been lost, ye dead, walk the paths to the Lands Between, beyond the foggy sea, to reach an Elden Ring.

Reviewed by: mitsuki sex comic
Posted in Best Games of February 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Elden Ring

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

You will control Kirby the pink puffballand can freely move in 3D stages. You can copy the abilities of enemies like Ice and Swordand then use them to explore and attack your surroundings. Kirby is about to embark in a thrilling journey. You are about to embark on an amazing adventure. Take a deep breathe and relax!

Reviewed by: kushina uzumaki naked comic
Posted in Best Games of March 2022 | Comments Off on Kirby and the Forgotten Land